Evening sky with group of flying swifts


Muthill Training / Guided Walk

It was a perfect evening for swift watching; sunny and warm with plenty of insects around. We saw large groups feeding above the school and elsewhere in the village. We saw swifts entering and leaving several nest sites and young could be seen peeping out of one or two of them. We finished at the Barley Bree where a swift obliged by flying into the nest site we were there to see and, shortly afterwards, a low flying screaming group flew in tight formation over our heads and provided a fitting end to the evening's gathering. If you missed this one, remember there will be another in Crieff on the 26th of July, beginning at 8:30 pm in James Square. Fingers crossed for an equally good display.

Photograph is by Daniele Muir of Perthshire Wildlife and Tayside Swifts

Here's a note for your diary. Perthshire Wildlife, in conjunction with Tayside Swifts and the Crieff Swift Project will be holding an evening Talk & Walk in Muthill on the 27th June. We'll meet at 8:30 sharp at the school. We know there are plenty of swifts to see and - fingers crossed - the weather should be much better by then. Hope to see you there. If you are coming, it would be helpful if you could click the button on the FaceBook page here:

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